Commonly Used Features and Icons

Edit: Select this icon to edit information.
Delete: Select this icon to delete information.
Information Box: Select this icon where it is shown to see additional information.
Information List: Select this icon where shown to see a list of entries.
Information Open Setup: Select this icon where shown to see the entry fields in a box. It cannot be changed, just viewed.
Number of Items: This represents the number of entries that were selected for that column name.
* Red Asterisk: This indicates the field is mandatory for saving the data.
Print: Select the print icon to display the print menu.
Add: Add an item in the setup.
Reason: Reason for adding a new business license.
Open Accordion: Expand information in accordion style section.
Close Accordion: Minimize information in accordion style section.
Cancel: When filling out a form select this option to cancel the form and not submit the information.
Save: Will save the item being entered.
Save and Add: Use this to save the currently entered data and keep the entry box open when adding to another item.